Monday, May 5, 2014

Clothes Pins to Monitor Student Participation

This teacher used these clips to monitor student participation and for bathroom breaks.  When a student is called on, she puts their clip into the bin.


An Organized Desk

This would take some time, but very helpful to organize all of my teacher supplies.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Reading Strategies

These are great reading strategies and tools for young readers


Word Walls

Word Walls and Pen Friends!
These are so well done.  I wish I had that artistic ability.  And the kids love them!

Lunch Count Methods

Lunch Count and Attendance


I have seen some pretty creative classroom mailboxes.  I am a big fan of the round pipes.  They are relatively small and are extremely durable.

Classroom Calendars


Including: the date, school day and special, days of the week, weather, number of school days, and more!

Library Shelves

Use shelves to help divide library spaces.

DIY Library Chairs

Check out these chairs for a classroom library.  They are simple to make and can be used to store pillows.  Kids love them!

Library Organization

Library Spaces

Label Bins based on author, theme, or level


Hello All,

This is a brief video of Debbie Diller, author of Spaces and Places: Designing Classrooms for Literacy (2008).  Her book is the inspiration for this blog.  As a new teacher, I am always taking ideas from other teachers about how I wish to organize my first classroom.  This blog will be a collection of all of these wonderful organizational ideas that I have come across in other classrooms.  A special thanks to those teachers who have allowed me to use their ideas.